Μετατροπή των άρθρων σε e-book


Παρασκευή 24 Μαΐου 2013

Θέση εργασίας για βιβλιοθηκονόμο στην ευρωπαϊκή βιβλιοθήκη

Libraries Data Specialist 
Do you have knowledge of working with large datasets from libraries or a related sector such
as publishing? Do you have XSLT experience? Would you like to work in an English-
speaking international team? Then come and join The European Library team at the
Europeana Foundation, based in the National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague.
The European Library is completely owned and run by the libraries of Europe. It provides a
single point of access to the collections of Europe’s national and research libraries, a vast
dataset of 200 million bibliographic records and metadata to 17 million digital objects. We
are the libraries aggregator for Europeana, the digital cultural heritage of Europe’s museums,
libraries and archives. We sit at the cutting edge of research and development in digital
libraries through a range of externally-funded projects.
The European Library service exists for the benefit of two communities:

  • Researchers across the world use our portal as a gateway to content from Europe’s
most prestigious libraries

  • For libraries, we are a way to efficiently distribute content to various platforms and
into researchers’ workflows. We make the collections and intellectual output of our
partner libraries as accessible as possible to a global audience
The Libraries Data Specialist will be responsible for metadata assistance and analysis; data
harvesting, ingestion and publication into The European Library portal; as well as data
delivery to Europeana. She/he needs to have
a sound knowledge of XSLT and an excellent
eye for detail. She/he will work closely with both the Operations and Development Teams.
Key responsibility:

  • To manage the complete ingestion workflow, from metadata harvesting, indexing and
publishing into The European Library portal, including delivery to Europeana
The Libraries Data Specialist will be working in a team of two in the Operations Team.
She/he will handle the daily ingestion workflow of data coming from content providers into
The European Library portal. This requires working with library domain metadata standards
such as, MARC21, UNIMARC, Dublin Core, METS, MODS, Europeana Semantic Elements
and Europeana Data Model. She/he will need to be able to map these metadata standards
via XSLT. The job also requires daily communication with partners; this means that good
communication skills are a plus. 
Main duties:

  • Metadata harvesting, mapping and ingestion into The European Library portal;

  • Qualitative analysis of content and metadata (copyrights labelling, persistency of
identifiers, etc.); 
Aggregation into Europeana;

  • Populating the Customer Relation Management Tool (CRM) and keeping it up to
  • Planning and updating of the existing dataset;

  • Communication with data providers for metadata and display topics;

  • Collaboration with the Development Team for improvement of ingestion tools.

  • Graduate level of education in Information Management, Library Science, Publishing
or a related field;

  • Experience within the library sector, publishing or related field;

  • Working experience and good knowledge of
library domain metadata formats;

  • Working experience and good knowledge of XSLT
Accurate and precise with an excellent eye for detail;

  • IT-literate and fast learner when it comes to picking up new software and new

  • Ability to work under pressure to tight deadlines.
The European Library
Established since 2005, The European Library offers a single point of access to the
bibliographical and digital collections of the national and research libraries of Europe. It is a
service of the Conference of European National Librarians (CENL) and is based in the
National Library of The Netherlands in The Hague.
For more information, please visit the website:
Staff of The European Library are employed by the Europeana Foundation, based in The
Terms and conditions of employment
The salary for this job is in line with the Collective Labour Agreement for Research Centres,
scale 7 or 8, depending on your experience and
skills. Your annual gross salary will be
between €23.976 and € 36.732 (exclusive of holiday allowance and annual bonus). In
addition, you will have 42 days holiday per year, a holiday allowance (8%), an annual bonus
(around 8%) and good fringe benefits.
This position is until 1 st January 2014 in the first instance. Renewal is possible, subject to
performance and availability of funding. 
How to apply:
For questions about the job please email jobs@europeana.eu 
Please send your CV and application letter to jobs@europeana.eu, clearly marked “Libraries Data Specialist, The European Library”. Final acceptance date for application Friday 7th
June 2013 at 12:00 CET. First telephone interviews will be held during the week beginning 11th June 2013

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