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Περιεχόμενα βιβλίου:
[Introduction] "On the framework for digital library evaluation" by Tefko Saracevic
Section 1: To whom it might concern
[1] "Metrics in libraries and expectations for the evaluation of digital libraries" by Brinley Franklin, Terry Plum and Martha Kyrillidou
[2] "An agency perspective on digital library evaluation" by Michael Khoo, Lee Zia and David McArthur
Section 2: What to evaluate
[3] "What should we take into consideration when we talk about usability?" by Judy Jeng
[4] "Users and digital libraries: an insightful story" by Manolis Garoufalou, Rania Siatri and Richard Hartley
[5] "Towards an evaluation infrastructure for dl performance evaluation" by Maristella Agosti and Nicola Ferro
[6] "Employing deep log analysis to evaluate the information seeking behaviour of users of digital libraries" by David Nicholas
Section 3: Behind the evaluation curtain
[7] "The pushmepullyou of design and evaluation" by Ann Blandford and David Bainbridge
[8] "Extending borders: outcomes assessment in the era of digital libraries" by Christos Papatheodorou and Giannis Tsakonas
[9] "Digital library service quality: what does it look like?" by Martha Kyrillidou, Colleen Cook and Yvonna Lincoln
Section 4: How to evaluate
[10] "Planning digital library evaluation with logic models" by Michael Khoo and Sarah Giersch
[11] "Examining how end-users use and perceive digital libraries: a qualitative approach" by Maria Monopoli
[12] "Investigating users' perceptions and acceptance of digital libraries: a quantitative approach" by Yin-Leng Theng
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